Saturday, October 25, 2008

Why Some Women Hate Sarah Palin

See: Why Some Women Hate Sarah Palin at and note that most women I know do not care if men find Palin attractive. What we cannot stand is how she uses it to put one over on both men and women who are suceptable to her charms, to get away with big fat bold face lies. This would not matter except that her lies result in so much harm to people, the planet, the economy, etc. Thus, we hate both what she is doing and that sheeple fall for it. We are baffled that anyone would believe her and are horrified that some do. Our intense hate of her behavior has nothing whatsoever to do with envy. Rather, it is because her Orwellian acts are a threat to democracy, the rule of law and civil order. It is justified outrage that (for me) is directed at her public and political persona and behavior - not at her as a person.

1 comment:

Aimi said...

Many aspects of my identity are similar to Sarah Palin's (in my mid-40s, white fairly attractive heterosexual woman of humble origins born to a Catholic family in the USA), and I think this is why I feel such abhorrence towards her words and deeds. She reminds me of the white woman (et al) responsible for the razing of Rosewood. In this case, however, she (et al) are behaving in a manner that could mean the The End of America (seen/read Naomi's book or flick at watch/the_end_of_america/). Given our history of election shenanigans (trust you've seen the Rolling Stone article) and that it will probably only be worse this time around (why else would McCain think that he has a chance in Pennsylvania?), we must double down our efforts to Get out the VOTE!