Sunday, October 19, 2008

Republicans & Conservatives alike Support Obama

The last version I saw of John Martin's list of "Republicans and Conservatives Endorsing Barack" (which is well worth a look) did not yet include Colin Powell (though no doubt soon will). In addition to Powell, my favorites include:

Francis Fukuyama, Advisor to President Reagan -
"...Obama probably has the greatest promise of delivering a different kind of politics."

Richard Riordan, former Mayor of Los Angeles -
"I'm still a Republican, but I still will always vote for the person (Obama) who I think will do the best job."

Rita Hauser, former White House intelligence Advisor to George W. Bush -
"McCain will continue the wrong-headed foreign policy decisions of Bush, while Obama will take us in a new direction."

David Friedman, prominent economist (Milton & Rose Friedman's son)
"I hope Obama wins. President Bush has clearly been a disaster from the standpoint of libertarians and conservatives because he has presided over an astonishing rise in government spending."

Andrew Sullivan, Columnist for the Atlantic Monthly and former Editor of The New Republic
"Obama's legislative record, speeches, and the way he has run his campaign reveal, I think, a very even temperament, a very sound judgment, and an intelligent pragmatism. Prudence is a word that is not inappropriate to him."

Larry Hunter, President Reagan Policy Advisor
"I suspect Obama is more free-market friendly than he lets on. He taught at the University of Chicago, a hotbed of right-of-center thought. His economic advisers, notably Austan Goolsbee, recognize that ordinary citizens stand to gain more from open markets than from government meddling."

Which are your favorites?

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