Saturday, October 18, 2008

Facts Flush the Plumber's attack down the Drain

See: "Joe the Plumber's attack on Obama goes down plughole" by Leonard Doyle, October 19, 2008

If the McCampaign thought their "Joe the Plumber" could rescue the ailing bid for the White House, they better think again. The "Joe" who confronted Barack Obama, in the key state of Ohio is not a qualified plumber, is behind on his taxes and Joe is not even his first name. The real topper though it that this "Joe" would actually get a tax cut of about $500 under Obama's plans, because his real income is much lower than he claimed. Even so, for some crazy reason, Mr Wurzelbacher is still being courted by the Republicans. What's up with that? Proof yet again that McCain and Palin live in lalaland of the lost?

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